Friday, January 05, 2007

How NOT to plan Bound buttonholes (or why not to clean the cutting table so fast!)

First of all, my shop is not usually a mess. Yes, I have a "muslin" pile under the cutting table. I have bags of trims and ribbing in the closet on the floor but only because I have yet to determine where to hang them in the shop's new configuration. The work tables are clear but for the projects on hand. But this week, I made a big boo boo. I cleaned the fabric scraps from the Cherry Blossom coat off the table and cut out the contrast cuffs form the last remnant. I then tossed the scraps. Totally forgetting that I was planning bound buttonholes for the coat. Now I have no fabric with which to do them.

I have no more of the wool and do not want to delay any longer in getting this done. So, I am off to the local fabric chain (not Darrell's, that comes on Wednesday) to see what I can find for the buttonholes. Maybe I can get some nice faux suede in navy, brown, or black. Good thing I have a GC from Christmas ...


  1. Anonymous4:59 pm

    Darn! Another trip to the fabric store. And yet another reason to put off cleaning :)

  2. I ditto MB's comment, hope you can find a nice alternative fabric for your bound buttonholes. A valuable lesson learned never trash the waistbin till your garment is ready to hang in the closet.


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