Well, it is done! I even wore it to work on Friday. A week later than planned, but I am happy with it all the same. The neckband came out quite nicely, I think. The raised effect is purely a design accident as I managed to ignore the fact that when I copied the neckline edge shape of my new wrap bodice piece, I copied the outer edge as the inner seamline rather than making it the outer facing seam. Oh well, I now have a wonderful convertible neckband!
I am satisfied with what the final result is, but realize that there is some work to do with the drafting of the overlay as it currently lies at the dart point, causing some troubles there. That is for the next version ... whatever that will become! My full review is over at PR, so I am not going to repeat it here. It is too late at night to do that and I am back at work and Scouting tomorrow!
Tomorrow I start a one month theme on Canada with the wee ones. We are going to embark on a cross country trip, doing a different region each week, ending on Flag Day in February. Tomorrow night we make lighthouses, next week we have a mini winter carnival to echo the celebrations of at the 400th anniversary of the settlement of what is now Quebec City. After that, we hit the Prairie plains with the buffalo (yup, we still have them up here!) and then move into Beautiful British Columbia where we will all make mini totem poles. Then we head north into the Territories. Revisit the Yukon gold rush, and maybe even make an Inukshuk with a special guest (if I can arrange it!). Then we finish it off in the last week with a flag cake and badge presentation. What is not to like?
Tuesday I start the muslin on the CS pants. I really want to get those done so I can start on my Marfy patterns. The latest issue of Threads has really answered a lot of my basic questions regarding hand stitches, under/inter-linings and thread tracing. It is heaven sent for what I want to do next in my sewing journey. Who knows, if I get something finished in time, I might even enter it into the wool contest over at PR.
g'night all ...
I like that dress, very pretty Lorna! And your Canada trips sound wonderful