To those who were in doubt, I am still alive! Truth be told, I have been spectacularly busy and have not had the time nor energy to sit and type much that had nothing to do with work, Scouting, Fall Camp or Scout Leader training in the past month. September is always crazy in this household and this year was exasperated by my new job. Mega mental adjustments on my part.
So, to summarize my month in reverse order:
Today was Apple Day. To those who are Scouters or Scout parents in Canada, you know what that means! I spent the morning with Monkey Girl selling apples (for a donation of your choice) for Scouts Canada. It is a national campaign that is really cute to watch. Who can say no to a 5-7 year old child in a uniform holding up a shiny red apple? This afternoon, the Pilot did the groceries for me and just took the kids to the library to allow me some quiet time. He is so thoughtful ...
Wednesday was the 19/15th anniversary of the Pilot and I. Why a dual number? Because we actually dated (non-stop) for 4 years prior to getting married. I can't help but count that. The Pilot, however, prefers to separate the two events (even though the first date was only a couple of weeks away from the actual wedding date) and only count the wedding anniversary. This year, it struck me that I have been with the same man for almost half of my life. And I am still amazed that he is mine. I am thankful everyday for his presence in my life. He is truly my soul mate and demonstrates that to me every day.
Last weekend was Thanksgiving up here in Canada, so, thanks to a training day for the schools, we had a 4 day weekend. OK, the kids had a 4 day, the Pilot and I had to work and only got a 3 day. But it was wonderfully restful. The weather was great and just chilly enough to make the oven's heat comfortable. We even had a fire at night in the fireplace. We all just relaxed ... no day trips or museum runs, no family (that was and is the only downside to living far from both families). We spent some wonderful time together and ate lots of turkey and trimmings!
The week before that was the annual Fall Camp for our Scout group. All age groups participated and for the first time, the Pilot was able to join us. The hardest part of that for me was realizing that the rest of us had a routine wrt Camp, but he didn't know what to do, so he was a bit lost and I was a bit miffed that he wasn't where he was supposed to be ... I mean, come on, after all these years together, shouldn't he be able to anticipate? LOL! It made for some initial tense moments, but in true fashion, we made it through and had a great family weekend! The two weeks before were spent planning the events and organizing the families.
The day after Labour Day saw me start my new job. It has been a roller coaster of a learning curve! When I was in the military, I had a pay clerk, a finance clerk, a supply technician and an administrative clerk all doing the job that I am now solely responsible for. I have had to learn a new software package and comply with daily deadlines from home office and learn the lingo at the same time. The first two weeks were extremely challenging and was almost overwhelming at times. This is my first real job after my military days (which were over 14 years ago). The Pilot was so supportive when I came home almost in tears after a couple of really trying days when I wasn't sure I was able to make it much longer. He grinned and hugged me clsoe and then said "I've been waiting a long time to give back to you what you've many times said to me" at which point he then gave me the pep talk that I have given him over our many years. He then sent me many little e-mails to work over the next few days with positive messages. Better than a bouquet of flowers any day!
Sewing wise, I have decided to go with the company shirts as the yellow seems to agree with me (this according to many in the office). So, that means I can focus on a working wardrobe of trousers, skirts and maybe even an overdress or two. By that I mean a tailored jumper. No the old fashioned jumper favoured by the younger set, but a wrap style overdress that will be very professional looking in the black pinstripe I have set aside for it. I will make a pair of trousers out of the same fabric, probably one of the HP patterns I have. I have not decided upon which one yet. As te temps in the gym are kept cool for those working out, I need something to go on top of the shirts. So, I see a vest or a sweater coming from the Sophia knit I have left in the stash. I have more coming from Ressy, so that will make a nice cardigan as well. I may even have enough for a knit overdress as well or another tailored pant. I splurged and put my name down for some of the cashmere that she is offering. I have to make myself something from that ... whether it will be a pant or a jacket I am not sure. I will have to compare to the hand of the stash coming courtesy of the EFQ. So, for the foreseeable future, my sewing life will be basic black (except for the obligatory Halloween costume for Monkey Girl). I don't mind as I am mixing up the fabrics and patterns so that I don't get tired of it too soon. I have to get my evening sewing time back ... that is the one downside of the Pilot being home. I tend to not go downstairs when he is around. After not having him home for that year, I miss being with him!
So, while I am not posting much, I am around and am doing some sewing. I just don't have the time to post about it. OR post back issue photos for that matter ...
See you around!